Off ice officials need to be as neutral as possible during the game.

In the event a player, penalty box attendant, or assistant time teeeper is causing a disruption, simply sound the horn and get the referees attention and explain to the referee the situation.

The refs will address the issue by either issuing additional penalties or removal from the penalty box. 

It is the responsibiliy of the on ice officials to control the game and issue violations when necessary that follow USA Hockey Rules and guidelines.  

Report to the league commissioner any off ice official volunteers that have to be removed from their duties during a game.


Home Team is responsible for getting the Game Sheet to the Off ice Officials

Roster labels – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Please make sure all copies have either a roster sticker or written roster.

List players in order by Jersey Number not last name!

If labels are not available, please print clearly with the first and last name of players dressed to participate.

Visiting team (right side) & home team (left side) on the score sheet

Verify the number of players on the labels or listed on score sheet are on the bench.

It is vital that if a player is not at the game that they are not listed on the score sheet.

A suspended player should be listed on the score sheet with a line drawn through their name and “suspended” listed next to their name on the score sheet. Can access the suspended players via the MAHSHL site if needed.

This is ultimately up to the coaches but a good practice for those handling the score sheet.

Fill in all information regarding the date and start time of the game, rink location, etc.

Coaches signatures are required prior to the start of the game.

Officials signatures are required at the conclusion of the game.

There may be times where the refs will disappear with the score sheets if there are additional penalties to be handed down after a game.

Verify the jersey #’s are correct for penalties & goals

Verify goalie stats – universal understanding of SOG

Make sure everything is complete !!!

Please understand that what gets entered on the website stats is from the score sheets and if they are incomplete or wrong it takes longer to get them entered.

Submit Game Sheets to no later than Sunday evening by 9:00 pm. for data entry on the website.

For any questions, contact Commissioner Donny Josephson at 816-678-5411
Other recommended transmission can be done by e-mail  -



Warm Ups
5 minutes for Varsity games
3 minutes for JV games.

Do not let coaches and players on the ice until the Zamboni is done, doors are closed, and refs are on the ice.

Before the teams take the ice for warmups, the coach or assistant coach shall present an official starting lineup and completed score sheet to the proper off-ice official or announcer.

Following warm-ups, announcement of starting line ups and National Anthem will be completed prior to the first game of the day.